Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Health Benefits of Lemon Water

Lemon Water

Lemons are high in ascorbic acid i.e vitamins C, fiber, and various beneficial plant compounds. These nutrients and vitamins are responsible for several health benefits.

Adding lemon water is a great way to start your diet, either with your diet or by swiping a delicious high-calorie beverage with lemon juice. Lemon water can’t solely assist you lose weight, however conjointly improve your health, here are the health benefits of lemon water listed below

Lemon Water

Health Benefits of Lemon Water

    Help in Weight Loss

    Lemon water is very low in calories, particularly if you do not add sugar to your glass of lemon water. A glass of water containing half the calorie intake of lemon less than the calories per glass of orange juice.

    Because lemon water is low in calories and may promote fullness among same approach as regular water, it’ll be a decent way to lose weight. Switch to high-calorie beverages such as soft drinks and sugary drinks with lemon water.

    Aids Metabolism

    There is no doubt that water is a crucial a part of any diet, and it helps to spice up your metabolism. Adding lemon to your water will enhance the metabolism.

    Start your day with lemon water to stimulate your body and pump your body to burn calories. Soaking in lemon water throughout the day can keep you full for longer and help control the accumulation of calorie-rich foods.

    Helps with Digestion

    Lemon juice contains acid, when mixed with water, as a result of alkalizing body.

    Drinking plenty of water will help to reduce the chance of constipation, and also the lemon will help restore healthy digestion and elimination waste. The acid in juice also will help to break down your food more efficiently, making it easier for your body to extract maximum nutrients from every meal. Fiber-rich fruits may also help promote regularity, change your risk of constipation.

    Help with Detox body

    lemon water to act as a detoxifier, drinking lemon water very first thing within the morning can flush out all the toxins from your system. The peel and pulp of lemons contain a soluble fiber known as pectin. It promotes the assembly of digestive enzymes within the liver, which helps eliminate waste from your body.

    Improve the Immune System

    No one enjoys being sick. It prevents you from doing daily activities, such as about to work, cooking, and planning to the gym. A glass of lemon water daily might prevent you from getting sick.

    Vitamin C plays a vital role in the fight against free radicals which will cause sicknesses and diseases as you grow older.

    The Vitamin C found in lemons boosts your immune system and any assist you maintain your health and fight illnesses.

    Increases energy and pH balance

    Drinking lemon water in the morning are going to be useful. Our bodies undergo restorative functions whereas we tend to sleep. Several of these functions need the nutrients that are found in water.

    Drinking a glass of lemon water within the morning will not rejuvenate your body but also provide you the energy to start your day. It’ll help to get rid of any toxins that your body has been working through all night to process your system.

    Lemon water makes sure that your body’s pH levels stay in restraint, preventing many diseases and health problems.

    Keep you Hydrated

    Drinking adequate amounts of water to remain hydrated may be a critical component of health. It plays a crucial role in carrying nutrients to our cells and transporting waste out of our bodies.

    When our body is thirsty for water, we tend to get it rather than get a glass of water. The opportunity to get a glass of lemon juice all day long to keep the pangs of hunger trapped. Having enough water in our bodies is very important for a good health.

    Relieves a Sore throat

    Warm water mixed with honey and lemon is also a preferred home remedy for individuals with sore throats. The mixture will give soothing benefits for relieving pharyngitis throughout cold season.

    Prevents Kidney Stones

    Lemon juice has been shown to help prevent kidney stones by increasing the urine's citrate levels. Citrate binds to calcium, which helps keep kidney stones from building up.

    It helps with clear skin

    Lemons have natural bactericide properties as well as alpha hydroxyl acids, like a many over the counter anti-skin/acne medications. They will brighten, remove blackheads and exfoliate.

    The ascorbic acid in lemons also promotes collagen synthesis, further enhancing your skin.

    Risks of Lemons

    Lemons are acidic in nature, which may weaken your enamel, increasing your risk of cavity. It can also irritate mouth sores. It’s recommended to either rinse your mouth with plain water or drinking juice with a straw. 

    Citrus can also cause problems for individuals with gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD).

    Recipes of Lemon Water

    Lemon Mint Water: Take 200 ml of water, 01tbs lemon juice and 03 sprigs of mint. Add Lemon juice and mint into water, stir well before drinking.


    Lemon Ginger recipes

    Lemon Honey Water: Take 200 ml of water, add 1tbs lemon juice and 2-3 drop of honey into water, stir well before drinking.

    Note: For peoples having acidity problem: - Take 150 ml of water, add 1-2 drops lemon juice and 2-3 drop of honey into water, stir well before drinking.

    Lemon Ginger Water: Take 200 ml of water, 03 slices lemon and 03 slices of ginger. Add Lemon and ginger slices into water, stir well before drinking.


    Lemon is good sources of vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in boosting your immunity. Lemon water can help protect your body from many system deficiencies. Lemon is known to have strong antibacterial properties, using lemon water very early morning will ensure that your body stays free from infections. Adding lemon to your diet will improve your digestion, boost metabolism, protect you from illness, support heart health, weight management process and digestive health.

    Friday, February 12, 2021

    Ultimate immunity booster: Giloy (Guduchi)

    What is Giloy?

    Giloy has heart-shaped leaves that resemble betel leaves. Tinospora Cordifolia is a scientific name of Giloy, also known as Amrita or Guduchi in Hindi. Giloy is an herbaceous vine of the family Menispermaceae indigenous to the tropical areas of India, Myanmar and Srilanka. Giloy is found throughout the tropical regions of India. It is used in various disorders and also helps boost immunity.

    In Sanskrit is known as Amruta/Amritavalli.


    In Ayurveda medicines, Giloy is considered to treat various disorders and symptoms. Giloy is one of the three Amrit plants. Giloy is commonly called the "root of immortality" due its abundant medicinal properties. The herb has numerous health benefits.

      Health benefits of Giloy

      Giloy (Guduchi) is a strong immunity booster, anti-pyretic (that reduces fever), anti-toxic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. Giloy is useful for diabetic patients because it is bitter in taste and helps in managing blood sugar levels. It improves metabolism and is useful for weight management. It also increases platelet count and might help in dengue.

      Treats Dengue Fever 

      Giloy is an anti-pyretic (that reduces fever) herb, Giloy is useful in managing dengue fever, by regular intake of Giloy during dengue helps in improving the immune system. It also helps in increasing platelet count.

      Treats Hay Fever

      Giloy reduces the symptoms of Hay fever which is also known as allergic rhinitis. It reduces the symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, nasal obstruction, watering of eyes. It also helps increases the count of the white blood cells.

      Treats chronic fever

      Giloy is an anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic (that reduces fever) property, which helps to reduce body temperature and boost your immunity to fight against the infection.

      Giloy for Diabetes

      Giloy acts as a hypoglycaemic agent and helps treat type 2 diabetes. It is also useful in diabetes related complications such as ulcers, wounds, kidney damage.

      Improve digestion

      Giloy works towards building a stronger digestive system and immune body against hyper acidity, colitis, worm infestations, and loss of appetite, abdominal pain, excessive thirst, and vomiting.

      To control High Cholesterol

      Giloy helps to control high cholesterol level in the body by improving the metabolism and Giloy contain anti-toxic properties which eliminating toxins from the body which are responsible for high cholesterol.

      Reduces Stress and Anxiety

      Giloy is an excellent adaptogenic which means that it helps in managing stress and anxiety by normalizing your physiological functions. It has a calming effect on the body. Due to its ability to cross the blood brain barrier, it helps get rid of toxins, boosts the memory, calms you down.

      Treats Arthritis and Gout 

      Giloy contains anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties, which help to treat symptoms of arthritis and gout.

      Fights Respiratory Problems

      Giloy contains anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to reduce respiratory problems i.e., cough, common cold and tonsils.

      Improves Vision

      Giloy is extremely effective to enhance eye-sight when applying topically. Boil Giloy powder in water and let it calm down then apply the paste on your eyelids.

      Liver Diseases

      Giloy has the ability to detoxify your liver and help in proper functioning, purifies the blood and fights against bacteria. It is especially beneficial for people with disease.

      Reduces Signs of Aging

      Giloy contains anti-aging properties which help to reduce dark spots, wrinkles and pimples resulting in flawless and glowing skin.

      Immunity Booster

      Giloy is a universal herb that helps boost immunity. It is a powerhouse of antioxidant which fight free-radicals, keep your cells healthy and get rid of diseases and helps to release toxins from the body. Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections and heart-related issues and is also found useful to treat infertility.

      Different form of Giloy 

      Giloy Juice

      Giloy Juice

      • Take 30 ml of Giloy juice.
      • Add the same quantity of water and drink it before meals once or twice a day to boost your immunity.

      Amla-Giloy juice

      • Take 15-30 ml of amla-giloy juice.
      • Add the same quantity of water and drink it before meals once or twice a day.
      • Amla-Giloy juice is a good source of vitamin C and help in detoxification.

      Tulsi-Giloy juice

      • Take 15-30 ml of tulsi-giloy juice.
      • Add the same quantity of water and drink it before meals once or twice a day.
      • Tulsi-Giloy juice is a highly powerful immune booster and helps regulate blood pressure.

      Giloy Churna

      • Take ½ teaspoon of Giloy churna. 
      • Mix it with honey or drink it with lukewarm water.
      • Take it after meals twice a day.

      Giloy creeper plant

      • Take the plant and cut its stem in 1 cm pieces. Crush some pieces slightly and keep them in 1 cup of water for overnight. 
      • The next morning boil the water till its quantity becomes half. Filter the water and drink early in the morning before breakfast.

      Precautions of Giloy

      Use Giloy or its constituents only under a doctor’s supervision if you are allergic to it.

      Avoid medicinal use of Giloy during breastfeeding, it is good to remain on the safer side and avoid Giloy during lactation.

      Avoid medicinal use of Giloy during pregnancy.

      Giloy may lower blood glucose level. So, it's generally advised to watch the blood sugar if you're taking Giloy along side anti-diabetic drugs.

      Giloy may cause the system (Immune) to become more active which could further increase the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Therefore, it is advised to avoid Giloy if you are suffering from autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

      Dosage of Giloy

      Giloy Juice – 30ml of juice and add the same quantity of water, once or twice a day.

      Giloy Churna - ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.

      Giloy Tablet - 1-2 tablet twice a day.

      Giloy Capsule - 1-2 capsule twice a day.

      Tuesday, February 9, 2021

      Water Rich Foods and its Benefits : Which will help to stay hydrated

      Water Rich Foods

      Water is essential for human health. Proper hydration is extremely important to stay fit and health, not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration which can cause several health-related issues i.e., fatigue, headache, skin problems, low blood pressure and muscle cramps. Prolonged dehydration can lead to cause serious health complications like organ failure.

      Drinking Water

      Generally, Doctor/Health expert recommends drinking 2 liters of plain water in a day to meet your hydration need. but water alone does not hydrate the body. In fact, people can increase their hydration level and water intake with healthy foods that can contribute a large amount of water to your diet.

      Water Rich Foods and its Benefits

      Water Rich Foods and its Benefits, here are the Food (Fruits & Vegetables) that contain plenty of water:

      Watermelon (Water content: 92%)

      Watermelon is very healthy and tasty, one of the most hydrating foods you can eat. Watermelon is loaded with fibers and other important nutrients like Vitamin A, B & C, magnesium, zinc, copper and potassium and other minerals. Watermelon is also rich in antioxidants, that may provide several health benefits. You can add watermelon to your diet by consuming it as a snack & salad.

      Strawberries (Water content: 91%)

      Strawberries have a high-water content i.e., hydrating food, it is sweet in taste and very popular berry. Strawberries are high in fiber and low in calories, disease-fighting antioxidants, vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, folate and manganese. It is simple to add strawberries to your diet, by consuming it in salad or by making smoothies.

      Cantaloupe (Water content: 90%)

      Cantaloupe is a healthy fruit that provides a significant amount of water and many health-promoting vitamins and minerals. Cantaloupe is a good source of beta-carotene which the body converts to vitamin A. it is also rich in vitamin C and fibers. You can consume cantaloupe plain or add it to salads and yogurt.

      Water Rich Foods

      Peaches (Water content: 89%)

      This fruit contains plenty of vitamins i.e., A, C, E, and K. Peaches are rich in water, fibers and antioxidants. You can also add peaches to your diet. They are commonly combined with smoothies and salads.

      Oranges (Water content: 87%)

      Oranges are great source water and rich in Vitamin C. Oranges are also rich in fibers and potassium. which may boost your immune function and prevent Kidney stone. Citrus fruits can also help the body absorb iron from other foods.

      Cucumber (Water content: 95%)

      Cucumber contains a small number of nutrients i.e., vitamin K, potassium and magnesium. This water-rich vegetable contains low amount of calories. It contains lots of lycopene, an antioxidant that may protect your cells from sun damage and help your skin and it is also contain an anti-inflammatory substance called fisetin which promotes brain health. Cucumbers are healthy hydrating food which are easily available and can also be included in your diet plan.

      Lettuce (Water content: 96%)

      Lettuce is high in vitamins A and K and fibres which helps to keep your bones and immune system strong. It’s also low in calories and high potassium and zinc. It provides a high amount of water which may help to keep you hydrated.

      Tomatoes (Water content: 94%) 

      Tomatoes are rich in nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants. They have lots of antioxidants, including one called lycopene that may help fight cancer. They also can help lower density lipoproteins (LDL) and may boost your overall heart health. Tomatoes can be used to cooked soup, salad and many more other dishes.
      Celery (Water content: 95%)  
      Celery light green, crunchy vegetable is low in calories and high in vitamin K, folate, and potassium. It is good for digestion because it has lots of fibres and helps in preventing inflammation in your digestive system.

      Spinach (Water content: 92%)

      Green vegetables pack a lot of nutrition and fiber with very few calories. Spinach is rich in lutein, potassium, fibers, and brain-boosting folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin E an important antioxidant for fighting off the damaging molecules known as free radicals.

      Cauliflower (Water content: 92%)

      It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and other essentials minerals. They also possess nutrients that may help lower cholesterol and protect you against cancer. 

      Plain Yogurt (Water content: 88%)

      Plain yogurt contains lots of water and nutrients that may boost several aspects of your health. It may provide hydrating effects, alongside with many other health benefits. Plain yogurt is a great source of protein and electrolytes that make your heart and other organs work the way they should. It also has bacteria (probiotics) that are good for digestion and help keep you regular.


      Soup (Water content: 92%)

      We are all aware about the soups with their healing benefits. Broths and soups are rich in water and thus excellent foods to incorporate in your diet to promote hydration. Adding soups to your daily meal may promote weight loss. Soup is a great way to get fibers and nutrients, it is very tasty. Make broth from chicken, or vegetables, and add almost anything to it, from beans to greens veggie and meats. Home-made chicken and vegetable soup is not only good for hydration, but it also might help fight the common cold.


      In addition to daily water intake, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is a good way to supply the body with vitamins, minerals and fibers. Health experts often recommend drinking several glasses of water per day to satisfy your hydration needs, but the water content of foods is usually often overlooked.

      You can consume a significant amount of water which may also include a variety of water-rich fruits, vegetables and dairy products in your diet.

      Many people think that sports drinks are a good alternative to water. Sports drinks contain electrolytes like sodium and potassium, which may be helpful during vigorous exercise or prolonged exposure to heat.

      However, most of the time, plain water is the most suitable option because it's free from sugars, sweeteners, and other additives.

      As long as you are eating plenty of water-rich foods and drinking water when you feel thirsty, you won’t have a problem of dehydration. This is why most of the people don’t necessarily need to drink a ton of water.

      Water Rich Foods and its Benefits : Which will help to stay hydrated

      Water Rich Foods Water is essential for human health. Proper hydration is extremely important to stay fit and health, not drinking enough wa...