Friday, February 5, 2021

Hair Combing: Tips For Proper Hair Combing

Most of the people consider hair combing a routine activity. There are some people who keep a particular hair style throughout their entire life. On the other hand, younger generations adopt new hair styles according to new trends.
Proper nutrition is required to maintain healthy hair. Overall health has direct relation with the quality and quantity of hair. In order to make your hair beautiful, you need proper care, which include regular hair wash, use of hair oil, proper combing, hair shampoo and conditioner.
Combing our hair in the wrong way can lead to hair fall, hair breakage, split ends.
Tips for proper Hair Combing:
Hair Combing
First choose the best comb, which suits the nature of your hair (i.e., soft or hard, short, long and curly), convenience and style. 
Hair combing should be done with care and concentration. If you comb without any care, it may cause damage to your hair. 
A vigorous combing can encourage hair fall, so hair Combing should be done gently. 
Do not comb wet hair it will damage your hair follicles; First dry your hair with a towel and there after combing will be easy and unharmed. 
Hair Combing in the opposite direction of hairs must be avoided. This will cause hair falling.

Don’t use hair dryer to dry hair as it will lead to loss of moisture which results in dry and brittle hair. So, let your hair dry naturally if possible. 
Frequent combing can damage the hair follicles and the scalp. Combing hair 2 or 3 times in a day is sufficient.
Clean the comb before and after use in order to prevent hair dirt from depositing in the gaps.
Do not use other people’s combs. It will prevent fungal and bacterial infections i.e., Dandruff
The tooth of the comb must not be sharp and it should not be pressed too tightly on the scalp. 
Hair Combing
A wide toothed comb must be used to detangle hair and it must be started from the ends; When all tangled have been removed, the hair can be combed from root to tip.

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